Proper Planning Tips for a Summer Road Trip

July 23rd, 2019 by

There’s nothing as exhilarating a summer motorcycle road trip. However, proper planning is crucial for a successful long ride. Here’s a quick guide to help you plan appropriately for a road trip in the warm weather:

Plan Frequent Rests

Riding a motorcycle isn’t as easy as driving a car, and thus requires more frequent rest stops — all the more so if you’re traveling in a warmer climate during the summer months, with the increased risk of dehydration. Riding when tired is extremely dangerous, putting you and others on the road at risk. Frequent rests will help you stay energized and focused on the road.

Practice with Shorter Trips

Longer trips on a motorcycle are more difficult, so it’s a good idea to work your way up to a big summer road trip. You can practice with shorter trips in the months or weeks leading up to your longer ride. This will also help to keep you from getting tired and burned out on your road trip. 

Be Prepared for Anything

It’s important to plan ahead for weather. Check the predicted temperatures for your destination and make sure you have the appropriate riding gear. You should also store water and your first aid kit in an easily accessible place when packing your bike.

Get Your Bike Ready for the Road

Don’t head out on the road for the summer without taking your bike to the shop and getting a tune-up beforehand. This will ensure it is ready to take on any terrain and will keep you from breaking down while on the road.

Stop by Our Cooling Station

Las Vegas Harley-Davidson’s cooling station has all the gear you need to keep cool this summer. Our products feature CoolCore technology to keep you from overheating while on the road. This is a must for any summer ride, especially a road trip when you are exposed to the heat for long periods of time.

Proper preparation will ensure you have a fun, safe road trip this summer. To schedule a tune-up or get premium riding gear, bike accessories and more, stop by the Las Vegas Harley-Davidson showroom today, or contact us at 888-218-0744 for more information about our extensive inventory.

Posted in Travel Tips